The "Final" Beatles Song: A Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Musical Genius


The Dawn of a New Era in Music

Imagine living in an era where artificial intelligence intertwines with music, breathing new life into old classics.

We're in that era now, and it's all thanks to the legendary musician Paul McCartney, who is using AI to craft what he calls the 'Final' Beatles song.

In a modern twist of fate, technology is assisting in creating a masterpiece that might just be the last gem to be added to the Beatles' treasure trove.

The Unnamed Track and Its Origin

The unnamed track, set to be released later this year, seems to be the culmination of more than six decades of Beatles history.

The spark for this novel venture?

An old demo tape from John Lennon, provided to McCartney by Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, back in 1994. This tape, labeled "For Paul," contained several embryonic tracks recorded by Lennon on the piano in his New York apartment shortly before his tragic demise in 1980.

The Song That Almost Was

One song that stood out from the rest was a 1978 Lennon composition titled "Now and Then." This song was reportedly considered to serve as a reunion song for the 1995 Anthology series.

If you remember, the Anthology series gave us the first "new" Beatles releases in more than 25 years with the songs "Free As a Bird" and "Real Love," both based on demos recorded by Lennon post the band's split.

However, "Now and Then" didn't make the cut. The band members attempted to record this apologetic love song around the time of the Anthology release but abandoned it soon after. Though the song had a chorus, it was almost totally lacking in verses. The original demo also reportedly had technical issues due to some persistent "buzz" from the electrical circuits in Lennon's apartment.

A Song Resurrected

Fast forward to 2023, and the song has found a new lease of life.

McCartney, with the aid of AI, has managed to extricate Lennon's voice from the old demo and create a track that could mark the end of an era. The technology, which was used extensively during the making of Peter Jackson's Get Back Beatles documentary series, allowed McCartney to separate Lennon's voice from the background noise, including their own instruments.

The process wasn't easy, though. McCartney had to separate Lennon's voice from a "ropey little bit of cassette," as he told Radio 4. But thanks to AI, they could tell the machine, 'That's the voice. This is a guitar. Lose the guitar.' This process allowed them to create 'clean' audio, which could then be mixed to make a record.

The Intersection of AI and Music

graph LR A[AI Technology] --> B[Extraction of Lennon's Voice] A --> C[Separation of Instruments] A --> D[Creation of Clean Audio] B --> E[Final Beatles Record] C --> E D --> E

This diagram visually represents how AI technology was used to create the 'Final' Beatles song. Starting from AI technology, we can see how it enabled the extraction of Lennon's voice, the separation of instruments, and the creation of clean audio, all of which contributed to the production of the final Beatles record.

The Beatles' Legacy Lives On

As of now, a release date for the Beatles track has not been announced. But one thing is clear: the Beatles' legacy lives on, this time with the help of AI.

From the embryonic stages of a cassette tape to the final stages of a new-age musical creation, the evolution of this Beatles track is a testament to the timeless nature of their music. It encapsulates the power of technology and human creativity coming together to create something truly unique.

The 'Final' Beatles song promises to be a masterpiece, merging the past and the future in a harmonious blend of musical genius.


In a fusion of musical genius and technology, the 'Final' Beatles song is a testament to the band's enduring legacy.

From an unfinished track left by Lennon to a technologically crafted masterpiece, the song symbolizes the timeless influence of the Beatles.

As the world waits for its release, one thing is certain: the Beatles' music continues to evolve and inspire, transcending the boundaries of time and technology.


  1. What is the 'Final' Beatles song?
    The 'Final' Beatles song is an unnamed track being crafted by Paul McCartney using AI technology. The track is based on an old demo from John Lennon.
  2. How is AI technology used to create the 'Final' Beatles song?
    The AI technology has been used to extricate Lennon's voice from the old demo, separate it from the background noise and the instruments, and create 'clean' audio, which could then be mixed to make a record.
  3. What is the origin of the demo used for the 'Final' Beatles song?
    Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, provided the demo to McCartney in 1994. The tape was labeled "For Paul" and contained several embryonic tracks recorded by Lennon on the piano in his New York apartment.
  4. Was the 'Final' Beatles song initially meant to be part of the 1995 Anthology series?
    Yes, the song, a 1978 Lennon composition called "Now and Then," was reportedly considered to serve as a reunion song for the 1995 Anthology series but was not completed at that time.
  5. When is the 'Final' Beatles song going to be released?
    As of now, a release date for the Beatles track has not been announced.