Achieve More in the Next 90 Days Than You Did All of Last Year…
This "PEAK PERFORMANCE MUSICIAN PROGRAM" Readies You And Your Talent For Prolific Growth & Results In 2022!
See How Easily You Can Achieve Massive Growth in Your Life and Talent...Even if You're Prone to Distraction, Procrastination, and Overwhelm...
Here's how the Peak Performance Musician Program will transform your next 90 days...
- Coaching with certified professional coach and best-selling author, Graham English!
- Gives you clarity on the projects you'll benefit most from over the next 90 days!
- Spots and fixes any weaknesses in your existing performance that can hold you back from maximum growth in 2022!
- Arms you with the productivity system necessary to see your personal output explode - while working less!
- Keeps your skills sharp with ongoing training designed to give you maximum impact with minimum effort!
- Make new connections and network with likeminded musicians who can support you!
- Join accountability groups for songwriting, music producing, and growing your music business!
- Hands you a plan and process to transform your talent and your entire life in 2022!
The Peak Performance Musician Program Will Be The Most Valuable Decision You Make This Year!
Discover the busy musician's way of accomplishing radical transformation...
Take a look at the last 90 days of your life, are you feeling like you achieved everything you wanted to achieve?
If you feel like you could have done better, then this is going to be perfect timing for you...
Because I believe that you can get better results in less time and with less effort than you do now. And I believe that your self-awareness that you have room for improvement is the first step to making a change in the right direction...
And I believe my 6-Phase Peak Performance Musician Coaching Program is the logical next step.
I'd like to personally take you through a system that's designed to help you achieve peak levels of performance and get you whatever you want!
Over the next 90 days, you and I will work together through the following 6 phases of this life-changing coaching program:
- Phase 1: Bullseye Outcome Grid
- Phase 2: Target Practice
- Phase 3: Leadership Autopilot Execution System
- Phase 4: Feedback Loop Ascension Plan
- Phase 5: Honing in on the One Big Thing
- Phase 6: Routine Maintenance
Here's what to expect when you decide to join me in the Peak Performance Musician Coaching Program...
You will experience increased productivity and complete more projects, all while working less and expending less energy.
You'll gain a system that brings out the best in you and you'll use it the rest of your life.
Just follow the system. I'll coach you the whole way.
The Peak Performance Musician Program Includes Amazing Bonuses Designed To Transform Your Musicianship...$1,594 Value!
Join now and get these amazing bonuses:
- BONUS: Speed Songwriting Bootcamp (Value: $297)
- BONUS: Music Producer Bootcamp (Value: $297)
- *EXTRA BONUS: $1,000 off my Virtual Musician One-on-One Coaching Program
These Bootcamps are my most complete trainings on songwriting and music producing. These accelerated learning programs show you exactly how to create top level content consistently and quickly, without any writer's block!
With your registration today, you get everything you need to transform your music and life in 2022.
But, you need to register today to ensure you don't miss this. Due to my personal involvement with you, this offer is limited to only 20 people.
This offer expires Midnight on Sunday, January 12, 2022 or when all 20 spots are filled, whichever comes first.
Act now to get started!
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes!
If you do the same thing next year that you did last year, why should you expect your life to improve?
You shouldn't.
This is your chance to ensure you have a breakout year in 2022.
Let's continue this conversation...
Register right now. And make 2022 your most successful year ever!
My Promise, As Your Coach...
"Yes, Graham! I Would Love To Join You In The Peak Performance Musician Program!"
Included In This Program:
- Peak Performance Musician 90-Day Program (Value: $497)
Plus, You Will Receive These Bonuses:
- BONUS: Music Producer Bootcamp (Value: $297)
- BONUS: Speed Songwriting Bootcamp (Value: $297)
- *EXTRA BONUS: $1,000 off my Virtual Musician One-on-One Coaching Program
Peak Performance Musician 90 Day Program
Total Value: $2,091
Choose Your Enrollment Option...

“I'll Be There To Help Throughout The Program”
(Answering Questions & Coaching)
I'll personally answer all your questions about achieving measured results consistently...with less effort and struggle.
This program is absolutely packed with practical implementation strategies and advice.
Plus, you'll have priority support over the next 90 days.
Don't Settle For Less Than You Deserve...
In only 90 days, you can quickly and easily land higher paying gigs and clients and look like a hero to your friends and family for following your dreams!
Achieve More
Yes, peak performance is a system that you can repeat again and again.

Work Less
Peak performance is about doing more of what works and less of what doesn't. In the end, you'll work less.

Less Stress
Peak performance is stress-free. Stress is a pattern you can control and utilize to your advantage.
Register Now!
Peak Performance Musician 90-Day Program
Total Value: $2,091
Choose Your Enrollment Option...

Got Questions?
When will you offer this program again?
It will probably be another 12 months before I consider offering this program again. And the cost will be double or higher.
Now is the time. You can do this. You definitely have what it takes.
I'm new to music producing and songwriting. Will this work for me?
To be perfectly clear, the system I’m going to reveal can work for any of your goals. I happen to have the biggest impact on musicians because few things matter to a musician more than music!
So if you’re new or seasoned, you’ll still experience radical transformation!
Is this a good investment?
Imagine that you get one premium gig using the Peak Performance Musician Program. If the gig is worth $500 or more, then you’ve already paid for the program.
But imagine you find 1,000 “true fans” who will easily pay you $100 for your talents…
And if 1,000 people will pay you $100, odds are that 4 people out of that 1,000 would be willing to pay you $10,000. So I’m confident we can recoup your investment!
How much time does it take to do this program every week?
Remember, this program is about ACHIEVING MORE, DOING LESS. So we plan on freeing up time you didn’t know you had!
Expect to invest between 1-4 hours per week implementing the program. And expect us to free up even more time to simply enjoy your life!
What if I have a question about this coaching program?
If you have a question that’s not answered on this page, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll do my best to answer quickly. Keep in mind that I don’t sit at my computer waiting for email to arrive. I check email once a day and less on weekends.
Just know that if you’re interested in this program and achieving more in 2022, I’ll help you get clear on what you want and help you get it.
© 2020 Graham English